Things to Remember when Taking Pictures of Guinea Pigs When you are taking pictures of your guinea pig, ensure that[...]
Author: Samantha Rasmussen

C&C Guinea Pig Cages, Everything You Need to Know!C&C Guinea Pig Cages, Everything You Need to Know!
12:40 pmHave you ever heard the term ‘C&C cage’, but you don’t know what it is? The term ‘C&C’ stands for[...]

7 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gerbils7 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gerbils
8:09 pmWant to save some money on your gerbils? Well, here are 7 ways to do so! Use Cardboard I would[...]

Pros And Cons Of Owning Gerbils Made EasyPros And Cons Of Owning Gerbils Made Easy
10:00 amHey, are you wondering if gerbils are the right pets for you? Well, look no further. Here are several pros[...]

5 Awesome Alternatives for Guinea Pig Cages5 Awesome Alternatives for Guinea Pig Cages
10:00 amMany store bought guinea pig cages are either unsuitable or expensive. So because of this, I have put together a[...]

How to Ensure Your Guinea Pigs’ Safety OutdoorsHow to Ensure Your Guinea Pigs’ Safety Outdoors
10:00 amHave you ever wanted to bring your guinea pigs outside to play (or live)? If so, were you unsure of[...]

Easy Alternative Bedding and DIY Bedding for Guinea PigsEasy Alternative Bedding and DIY Bedding for Guinea Pigs
10:00 amGuinea pig bedding can cost a lot, so why not make your own, or use something you already have in[...]

16 Bedding Types Your Guinea Pigs will Love16 Bedding Types Your Guinea Pigs will Love
1:22 amHave you ever walked into a pet store and wondered which type of bedding is the best type for your[...]

20 Items Guinea Pigs Love to Play With20 Items Guinea Pigs Love to Play With
4:58 pmHave you ever wanted to get a new toy or accessory for your guinea pigs, but weren’t sure which things[...]

3 Great Starter Tricks for Guinea Pigs3 Great Starter Tricks for Guinea Pigs
11:11 amYes, guinea pigs can learn tricks! But often they will need to build some confidence in doing tricks by starting[...]