Things to Remember when Taking Pictures of Guinea Pigs
When you are taking pictures of your guinea pig, ensure that none of the props you use are harmful to it. If you are using anything that they could eat, make sure that it will be fine if they eat it, because even if you don’t think they will eat it, they will try (and often succeed). Also, make sure that there is nothing dangerous (such as sharp objects, electrical cords and household chemicals) within the guinea pig’s reach.
Remember to be patient with your guinea pig when you are trying to take photos of them. They will often move around when you don’t want them to, look the wrong way, etc. When this happens, try to gently get them to do what you want (using food is a very effective way to do this). If you or the guinea pig become frustrated at any time, put your pet back in its cage, and try again later.

General Photography Tips
No matter what you will be taking photos of, these tips are helpful in making your photos have a more professional look to them.
- Creative lighting
- Rule of thirds
- Balance
- Portrait mode
- Motion
You definitely do not have to use all of these tips in each picture, but using at least a few of them will give your photos much better quality.

Creative Lighting
Being creative with your light sources can add a lot to your pictures. You can use many different light sources (natural or artificial) from sunlight to colored LED lights and much more in between!

Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is where you imagine two horizontal lines and two vertical lines going across your picture, and you try to get your subject on at least one of the points where the lines intersect. You should also attempt to get at least one of your subject’s eyes on the top line. Some cameras and smartphones give you the option to show the rule of thirds grid while you are taking the picture.

You should always make sure that your photos are well balanced. This means that you shouldn’t have large areas of the picture with nothing in it. Instead, you should balance the picture out by spreading out the elements in different places so there aren’t any bare spots. But don’t go overboard either and make the picture look too crowded!

Portrait Mode
Using portrait mode is an easy way to add something different to your photos. Portrait mode is a setting that can be found on cameras, iPhones and sometimes other types of smartphones. It gives the background of the photo a blurred effect, while the subject (the guinea pig in this case) stays in focus. You can play around with how blurred vs. focused your background is to get the look you want.

Getting your guinea pig to run, do tricks or anything else that involves movement for the camera is another great way to enhance your photos. Keep in mind, though, in order for the photo to be clear, you will need to use a quick shutter speed. If you will be using a phone to take pictures of your guinea pig, it is much more likely to be blurry than if you use an actual camera. Of course, it will depend on the phone (and the camera).
Ideas for Your Pictures

Use Colorful Backgrounds
Using colorful backgrounds in your photos helps balance them, and it also adds some color. There are many different things you can use as a background such as towels, paintings, clothing, etc.

Use Flowers, Leaves or Objects from Nature
Using objects from nature in your photos can help enhance them. Like I’ve mentioned before, make sure that any flowers, leaves, etc you use as a prop is safe for them to eat, because they will try (and often succeed) to eat them.
Click here for an article on which plants from nature are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Also remember that you should not give your guinea pigs anything that was sprayed with chemicals.

Take Pictures of them Next to Household Items
Taking pictures of your guinea pig next to household items is another great way to add something different to the shot. Of course, make sure none of the items are hazardous to your pet.

Take Pictures of them Eating
It is just adorable to watch them eat, and since they stay still when they are eating, it is easy to get clear pictures of them.

Try to Get them to Look off to the Side
Getting them to look off to the side can make the photo very beautiful. Use a treat to get them to look to the side, and give them the treat after you’ve taken the picture.
I hope this helps you take better photographs of your pet guinea pig.